The Battle Against Addiction is Here

We caught up with the man at the head of the attack, Nick Conn.
Nick Conn, also known better by his Instagram handle @dadinrecovery, is the founder of addiction advice and recovery focused organisation Help4Addiction. It is his job as CEO to ensure that those that ask him for rehab help are connected to the resources they need to get into recovery from addiction.
Nick reports that the numbers of those in need have skyrocketed during the pandemic. Ever since he gave a Sky interview back in July of 2020, Nick has been outspoken on the growing problem. Now, almost 12 months later, he reports that there are 500% more addicts reaching out to him now, than there were in the previous years.
Addiction statistics have been slowly growing for years now, of course. This growth has been marginal when compared to the population increase. Unfortunately, this massive jump in figures shows that there is more going on here, than meets the eye. Addicts are reaching out in volumes never seen before.
Although not all of those that contact Nick are ready to receive recovery treatments, most of them are going on to take all help offered. With such high volumes entering facilities up and down the country, it is no wonder that the NHS is struggling to cope.
Who is Nick and Why do Addicts Seek Him Out?
As founder of one of the most successful addiction advice organisations in the country, Nick often picks up those who need their lives turned around. They gravitate towards him as someone who has also suffered from addiction in the past. That’s right – Nick Conn, family man and successful CEO, used to be a drug addict.
Nick was working hard as a police officer. He saw and dealt with things that most people don’t ever have to think about. It was a hard job, both physically and emotionally. As a man brought up to believe that real men didn’t cry, Nick kept his problems to himself and didn’t talk to anyone about anything personal.
Months of this went on before Nick turned to cocaine as the answer. It was his coping mechanism. It gave him the self-esteem he needed to get through the day. He took more and more, eventually hitting rock bottom and realising – due to his family – that he had to change or accept that the drugs would kill him.
Nick quit his job, went to rehab, and did the therapy. Now 12 years recovered, Nick Conn is eager to tell his story far and wide. His attempt to shout about addiction from the rooftops isn’t some kind of PR stunt, though… It’s about awareness.
Dozens of men message Nick every day, reaching out to him on social media and bypassing his organisation. Why? Because he has lived experience of exactly what they are going through – and he talks about it. They hear his story, and they gravitate towards him. He is a beacon of hope in a dark, dark place.
If the Nick of 13 years ago could see the Nick of right now, we think he would be astounded at the man he would become. Perhaps the same will be said of those he inspires one day.
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