curates another fusion of Supercars display, Art and a five course culinary experience. ” Artwalk and Supercars”

Supercarrooms known for an array of incredible automotive vehicles on display at the gallery in Wynwood Miami, will be hosting their signature ArtWalk and Supercar event on September 12th from 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.
An incredible fusion of all five senses including vision, smell, taste, touch, and obviously octane will be on the menu on September 12th.
Speaking to a spokesman at Supercarrooms.Miami ” The theme of this event is Lamborghini versus McLaren” so expect the unexpected.
The supercar chef will be preparing a 5 course culinary masterpiece with influences taken from Lamborghini and McLaren as the theme.
Here are some renowned artists who will be displaying their art for all to see. Confirm artist include.
Artist: Raymond Fernandez
He was born in Miami Florida June 1964. His father was a photographer/film maker, his mom was a model and his favorite subject; she was also an accomplished cigar roller and worked for many years in that field. They immigrated to the U.S. in the early sixties and although they were very poor early on, an extremely hard work ethic enabled them to break out of poverty and provide well for their children. Throughout his youth Raymond consistently developed his skills, growing up in the sixties and seventies influenced Ray a great deal. His interests became everything Americana, primarily the music, cars and movies, this is quite evident in the majority of his work and drawings.
Artist: RyAnne Curnow
I create; take me hands, I’ll sing; my voice, I’ll dance; my legs… I’ll dream. I create. The beauty of my art is that it is a part of my whole being. My art is my heart and they cannot be separated. I am often asked… “how long have you been an artist?” and my answer is always the same, “my whole life.” I do understand the nature of the question but I believe it denies what being an artist is. I do not do art I am art, it is the most genuine me. My medium is the world around me. Yes, I paint but I also swim in the ocean, collect shells, love with every piece of my soul, write poetry, cry over broke hearts, and try to save every creature in need. This is art to me; using each moment, each experience, and putting into motion to isolate and share it in the most beautiful way my body allows. Sometimes that will end up on a canvas, other times in words, or even in the expression of movement.
Artist: Bigcomic Art
I am a blockchain and bitcoin artist ?
pioneer. I am one of the first artists in the
world where you can purchase and trade my
a r t w o r k t o ke n i z e d w i t h b l o c k c h a i n
technology. My artwork ? is collected by
many leading blockchain organizations and
individual collectors in the crypto blockchain
world ? and beyond. Copycatted by many
Celebrities, but never duplicated thanks to
the power of decentralization.
Don’t miss this event. Here is the link on Eventbrite.