Respect for music fans according to Ali Kavousi, a popular artist and singer

Ali Kavousi is a young artist who started music at a young age and has many fans and audiences in his country. According to him, respect for the audience is one of the most important principles of music, respect for the opinions and suggestions, respect for the intelligence and morals of the music audience. It is one of the most important principles of progress and effort in this industry
Before making music or an album, Ali Kavousi asks the opinion of his audience on his social networks and according to their comments and suggestions, he edits or changes the mood of his music in the verse and the way of singing the music.
Ali Kavousi has heard negative comments from his audiences many times during his music concerts in different countries, but he has given them a convincing and firm answer with all due respect.

This culture building should take place among the musicians, where respect for the consciousness of the fans is obligatory, and sometimes you should publish your music for them for free, and you should always ask the audience’s opinions about your music in order to be a popular and successful musician. be and is a well-known artist in the art community.