Meet Dr. Monique S. Nugent, redefining hospital experiences with her incredible book

Meet Dr. Monique S. Nugent, redefining hospital experiences with her incredible book

“Prescription for Admission, A Doctor’s Guide for Navigating the Hospital, Advocating for Yourself, and Having a Better Hospitalization” is an informative guide to hospital stays, teaching the essential things people need to know for their next hospital visit and encouraging them to be active drivers of their care.

It is always refreshing to see medical professionals using their platform to consistently share accurate and helpful information, rising above the massive saturation of voices vying for attention. Healthcare providers speaking to the public must offer realistic and practical solutions to help people navigate the healthcare system and truthful knowledge to guide their health journey. Dr. Monique S. Nugent, MD, MPH has done just this using her experience and training to identify ways to help people navigate hospitals, thus setting her apart from the din voices in the space of of wellness and health.

Dr. Nugent’s compelling book “Prescription for Admission: A Doctor’s Guide to Navigating the Hospital, Advocating for Yourself and Having a Better Hospitalization” is a robust and informative roadmap to hospital stays. The book teaches several essential things, beginning with preparing people for their next hospital visit and ultimately motivating readers to be active participants in their care during and after a hospitalization.

“Hospitals are meant to be places that provide people support and not add to their frustration and confusion. After years of practicing in several hospitals, I’ve seen how easily patients and their family members feel lost. This realization motivated me to write Prescription for Admission, to help people prepare for the next time they find themselves in the emergency department or hospitalized,” highlights Dr. Monique Nugent.

Through her book, the physician and author teaches readers what decisions they’ll need to make during a hospitalization and how they can prepare their loved ones to support them during a severe illness. Dr. Nugent gives behind-the-scenes information about the healthcare system so readers understand why, when, and how things may occur in the hospital.

Stand-out features of the book include the downloadable quickguide and easy-to-find callout boxes that provide advice on addressing mental health in the hospital. Dr. Nugent also focuses on teaching communication skills so people can advocate for themselves. She advises on setting daily goals for care that will help lead to a less stressful discharge or, if needed, how a family can prepare for the transition to home hospice.

Based in the Boston area, Dr. Nugent continues seeing hospitalized patients while shifting some of her time to teaching at community events. Her work thrives on her years of expertise extending beyond patient care into physician leadership and hospital administration. Besides her professional passion, Dr. Monique Nugent loves collecting cookbooks and exploring New England with her young family.

Dr. Monique Nugent ( feels passionate about improving patient outcomes and healthcare accessibility for all.

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