Founder Momo Njie’s Advice to Others: Focus on the Foundation

Founder Momo Njie’s Advice to Others: Focus on the Foundation

What differentiates LucidFX from other forex trading courses?

Our strategy is simple and consistent. We provide top-tier customer service. And we don’t just offer classes; our course packages also include weekly sessions, 1 on 1s, and more.

How did so many people find LucidFX early on?

It was mainly referrals and social media. A few people discovered us and liked what we did, then they brought others in and it snowballed from there. Now we have more than 1,300 students on our platform.

What’s your advice to others who want to do what you’ve done?

Focus on the foundation of your business. A lot of entrepreneurs take things as they come and don’t have a plan when they’re starting out. But you have to think long term about the way you’re building your business and if it’ll still functions one, five, or ten years down the line. Obviously you can’t anticipate everything, but you can try to create a structure that supports both what your business needs today and what it might need as you grow. 

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