8 important quotes of Anthony Ejefoh on value investing

8 important quotes of Anthony Ejefoh on value investing

This week We want to present Mr. Anthony Ejefoh as one of the most significant investment Gurus in Africa. Mr. Anthony is an inspiration for all the value investors who want to make their investments worthwhile in the long run.

Wisdom Quotes

“without knowledge, wisdom cannot be obtained”

“Sometimes what others say about us matters the most.”

“we are responsible for what happens to us, not what happens to others.”

“surround yourself with people who make you feel safe.”

“don’t limit me because of my disabilities – let my abilities exceed your expectations.”

“Don’t be pushed by your problems, swim in them.”

Failure Quotes

“I am a failure but I refuse to quit.”

“A failure is not a reason to stop. It’s a reason to start again, and harder.”

“Keep going no matter what anyone does or says to hold you back because one day when it’s all over, they’ll be asking how did they forget about this great thing that happened.”

“you will always find something good to say about yourself if you are looking for something bad.”

“success is not about wealth or fame, it’s about making a difference in other people’s lives every single day of our lives.”

“true friends are those who rid us of life’s burdens.”

Falling Down

“Falling down is the first step towards coming back stronger.”

“I won’t give up until I have proved myself.”

“People will act like they understand you until they know you don’t understand yourself.”

“don’t get mad at your failures, get up and do it again tomorrow.”

“the only person who knows your path to greatness is you.”

“my dream for life is that the world may be filled with light, love and understanding.”

“We are not there yet, but we’re almost there.”

“learning from other people’s mistakes is foolish because they’re too busy making new ones.”

 Not Given Up

“I won’t give up . I refuse to give in.”

“start today so that everything works out tomorrow.”

“You can’t be a bird, then cry about not being able to fly.”

“Rich People don’t need motivational quotes.”

From selecting the quality stocks to take their performance, staying financed for a long time is an art itself, and Mr. Anthony is, indeed, a great artist. Let us learn from his quotes that have added value to value investing and made investors wiser.

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