The weather forecasts in Google Clock are redesigned extensively for alarms

Since it’s a Google app, the Google Clock app integrates well with other Google apps and stock Android as the default timekeeper for Pixel devices. You may experience the same user interface by downloading it from the Play Store on any other compatible Android smartphone. But other features are still specific to Pixel devices, and a new update modifies the way weather data appears when an alarm is dismissed.
While At a Glance on Pixel phones provides you with weather data all day, seeing the same information first thing in the morning might help you choose your outfit for the day. There’s no better time to check the weather than right after you wake up. This concept was adopted by Google, and starting in October 2023, weather information has being displayed on Pixel devices immediately after we turn off our alarms in the morning.
The weather’s user interface (UI) is rather straightforward, consisting of two lines of text with bolded highlights for the temperature and significant variables. The conditions for today are described in the first paragraph, and the details for the next day are covered in the second. The “Ok thanks” button at the bottom of the screen allows you to close this window.
After turning off a morning alarm, Clock users using Pixel phones have begun to notice a different layout for the weather information display as a result of a recent server-side update (via 9to5Google). The temperature and weather at this moment are displayed as a quarter-circle with an icon in the upper left corner. The forecasted high and low temperatures for the day are located closer to the screen’s lower right corner. The Ok, thank you button at the bottom of the screen remains untouchable by Google. You can’t see the prediction for the following day, but both information blocks slide into view with a nice animation.
There’s no doubting the new UI looks exactly like the setup screen on Pixel phones, but the lack of the forecast for the following day isn’t a major problem. The alarm screen now feels more like a vital component of the Pixel UX and less like Google Assistant, which is a great redesign. We adore how the vital facts is highlighted in the new design by using varying font sizes rather than bold formatting.
However, not every Pixel phone with the Clock app loaded can access it right away. Although a small number of users have received the server-side update, its availability appears to be growing. Simply remember to turn on the weather forecast when you set the alarm, and keep an eye out for this screen the next time it goes off.