The Mind of Rey Rey’s Founder Rey Rey Rodriguez speaks on Marketing Essentials.

“With this site I have planted my seed, you’re now infected with my artistic disease.” ~ Rey Rey Rodriguez
Rey Rey Rodriguez is an entrepreneur, photographer, visual artist, and the founder of the branding / marketing and multimedia company, The Mind of Rey Rey®. While his fine art, combat sports, dark, erotic, and celebrity photography is well known internationally, his more impressive skill is his ability to help up-and-coming artists, startups, creators, activists, public figures, athletes, brands and small businesses reach higher levels through skillful marketing. Creating new avenues for large businesses, corporations and A-list clients to grow is also included in his toolbox of strategic talents.
Rey Rey (born Rey Paul Rodriguez) was born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, and raised in South Florida. His passion for photography started at age 16, but he wouldn’t begin shooting professionally until the age of 32. He credits his passion for “art” for the career path he’s taken.
“Everything began with my love for art. Of all the arts, photography was the easiest for me to start. I already saw the world through artistic eyes; all I needed was a camera, so that the world could see what I saw. Photography motivated me to create short films, which inspired me to go back to school. School taught me the importance of marketing, which helped me to gain more fans, connections, and opened the doors for new sources of income. The attention from marketing pushed me to start a business, continue learning, and to keep expanding.”
In 2014, his brand The Mind of Rey Rey was born, eventually growing into an all in one branding, marketing, and multimedia business. Today, Rey Rey stands in a category of his own. He believes that through proper marketing, anyone can create their own form of income. According to him, although every client has different needs, there are certain things that are a must for all.
“Everyone starting out needs to create his or her own small world to stand out amongst to rest. Here is a brief summary of things that are strongly recommended for exposure:
- A collection of high quality, professional photos that don’t mimic the images of others.
- Create posts on social media accounts that have the ability to trend within their genre, at the proper times according to the platforms’ current algorithm.
- Businesses, public figures, and artists should be listed on any platforms that will promote them or their company.
- An easy to use, fast loading website that is linked to everything mentioned above, and has your information, services, contact info, and everything else you’d like viewers to find.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with proper keywords and structured data.
- Consider (not required): Influencer, text and / or email marketing, and ads.
- Research your field and create a proper strategy and plan using everything mentioned above.
Although everything can be learned, I’d recommend those starting out to have professionals (web designers, photographers, social media marking partners and specialists, influencers with high engagement, marketers, PR specialists, etc.) set up and manage everything. This will allow the individual(s) to focus on their business and / or craft while the pros market their brand correctly. When I began, I tried to do it all on my own with the limited knowledge I had, and wasting tons of time and money. Now, I find the straight path to achieving my client’s marketing goals, which should be everyone’s goal.”
Rey Rey Rodriguez and his company The Mind of Rey Rey, can be reached on the links below:
Social Media: