‘Pramod Rathod Daily Needs’ is an app which helps the citizens of Aurangabad with the everyday essential services

Pramod’s new version of the app is extremely useful to serve the citizens 24/7. Mr Rathod said, “Various social problems and grievances of the citizens of Aurangabad city will be resolved online through his mobile application. The homepage of this application has important helpline numbers where the citizens are enabled to lodge their complaints which are resolved immediately.” Moreover, the app also shows the status of the complaints filed. The BJP group leader through his social work has brought everything online thus making the lives easier of the citizens in Aurangabad.
Besides this, the app has an online form for registering complaints without having to wait to contact the helpline number. Additionally, other important contacts of medical doctors, police department, MSEDCL, water supply and other government offices are also updated on the app for the people of Aurangabad and the other adjoining areas. In case the citizens are in any problem, Pramod Rathod’s team gets in touch through the app to help them. With all the daily necessities at one place, ‘Pramod Rathod Daily Needs’ is always at the service of the citizens. Building trust with the citizens, Pramod Rathod’s app is promoting the overall development through his incredible social work.
The scale of online platforms has increased in the last few years. With everything going digital, Pramod Rathod launched his mobile application named ‘Pramod Rathod Daily Needs’. The former deputy mayor and BJP group leader want to help the citizens of the tourism capital of Maharashtra, Aurangabad. It has been a stepping stone for him who is responsible for the overall development of the Aurangabad city and Maharashtra state. ‘Pramod Rathod Daily Needs’ is available on the Google Play Store and the leader has been in service for the people since 2013. All the daily commodities and services including newsletters, hospitals, cinemas, government jobs and important mobile numbers are available on this app.
Pramod’s new version of the app is extremely useful to serve the citizens 24/7. Mr Rathod said, “Various social problems and grievances of the citizens of Aurangabad city will be resolved online through his mobile application. The homepage of this application has important helpline numbers where the citizens are enabled to lodge their complaints which are resolved immediately.” Moreover, the app also shows the status of the complaints filed. The BJP group leader through his social work has brought everything online thus making the lives easier of the citizens in Aurangabad.
Besides this, the app has an online form for registering complaints without having to wait to contact the helpline number. Additionally, other important contacts of medical doctors, police department, MSEDCL, water supply and other government offices are also updated on the app for the people of Aurangabad and the other adjoining areas. In case the citizens are in any problem, Pramod Rathod’s team gets in touch through the app to help them. With all the daily necessities at one place, ‘Pramod Rathod Daily Needs’ is always at the service of the citizens. Building trust with the citizens, Pramod Rathod’s app is promoting the overall development through his incredible social work.