Montony gave information about rap to his audience and this time he talks about the rapper himself.

Who is the rapper?
A person who sings rap is called a rapper or rapcon. All singers and musicians in any style have their own duties. For rappers, how to perform the text of the poem and what techniques to use while reading to convey the desired feeling to the listener is very important.
who is the rapper
Some people think rap is singing! Some people also think that rap means singing and chanting words! A rapper is someone who has knowledge of various issues of society and geography around him at any level.
The rapper expresses facts both from within himself and from the world around him. Memories and personal experiences are the most useful element in showing these facts.
But depending on our experiences, the circle of our thoughts has certain boundaries, and there are certain things to go beyond these boundaries:
A rapper should be connected to publications + movies + games + exhibitions + different places + philosophies + current scientific results + cosmology + world history + nature + study of holy books and familiarity with different religions of the world + different artistic styles +.. .and many like this.
Rethinking requires knowledge. It requires high general information. Only our limited experiences can’t do anything. Today, rap has found its place in all different fields and has been combined with different genres of music, and that the real rapper He is a sociologist and philosopher of history.
A successful rapper is someone who strengthens his knowledge of music and writing (literary science) so that he can defend his work. Yesterday it was easy to rap but not today! Only those who have something to say appear.