Interview Anna Javili Annyko Studio

“Stay Strong and Confident,”

Anna Javili, co-founder and the head of Annyko Studio

Annyko Studio in Manhattan is a popular spot among people of New York who want to look attractive. They know that visiting the studio guarantees them top-class permanent makeup service and warm hospitality. The studio was created by Anna Javili, a permanent makeup artist. Young, confident and full of warm energy, Anna has managed to build a successful business in New York in just 2 years after moving to the USA. We’ve talked to Anna about her way in the beauty industry and her principles of success for a young woman.

–        What brought you to the beauty industry?

–        I have always been interested in the beauty industry. But I couldn’t figure out what area of it suited me better. My first experience as an artist in the industry was with eyebrow coloring. But then I saw the video of permanent makeup treatment on Instagram. I was excited to try it myself. And I’ve got a basic training course right before moving to America.

–        Being a permanent makeup artist, what drives you the most in your profession?

–        Well, I feel that I am creating something beautiful. I have an opportunity to give people more self-confidence with my own hands, making permanent makeup for them.It literally gives them more time for themselves, because they don’t need to wake up earlier every day to do light makeup. 

–        What qualities does a permanent makeup professional need to have to give clients the level of service you give?

–       It is definitely perfectionism. You only can be a professional when you hone your skills every day, every moment. I remember doing my first permanent makeup treatment during my training. My training model was my mom. I was really scared to even touch her face. I still remember that feeling. But I also knew that I only could overcome the fear by learning and practicing. I had to become really confident in what I was doing. My job is my priority in life, and I am very strict with myself. It always seems to me that I’m not doing enough and I push myself to work harder. I need to know that tomorrow I’ll be able to do my job better than today.

–        It sounds like you put yourself in rather strict conditions. How much time in a day do you spend on yourself?

–        Most of the working days the only time I have for myself is in the morning going to work. On my weekends I love shopping. It gives me maximum relaxation. You know, I try to stay creative even outside my business, so I also love making some fashion reels for Instagram. I love being on camera, I hope that after visiting Annyko Studio my clients love themselves on camera too! And of course, I always find time to spend with my family – it is a great resource for every human being, I think. I used to do dancing and gymnastics before moving to the USA. But now I have to prioritize, having such a tight schedule.  

–        When have you come with the decision to run your own studio?

–        It was when I felt that I was ready to do it. After 2 years of working in the industry and taking numerous high profile permanent makeup training sessions I saw that I already had enough loyal clients. What was even more important is that I’d managed to develop my own style. So, I was recognizable as an artist. Then I understood it was time to open Annyko Studio. I didn’t even expect that we would grow popular so rapidly. It’s been just a year since the opening and now we need to move to bigger premises because of the high demand for our permanent makeup services and training courses.

–        After just 2 years in the industry, you already teach people permanent makeup? Amazing.

–      Yes. Since the very opening of Annyko Studio I have been receiving lots of requests for training sessions. People asked me to teach them how to create permanent makeup as top-class as I was making in my studio. And I thought that it was a great opportunity to make the lives of more of them better! By running PMU courses, I can give an existing profession to many people. Again, I help them to become happier and more self-confident. And those people I teach top-class permanent makeup will make perfect beauty services for other people, and they’ll have their portion of self-confidence too! So, it’s like some chain reaction of beauty and confidence – from me to other people in America.

–        Wow! But that needs energy and dedication. How do you cheer yourself up in difficult situations?

–        “Stay strong and confident”, these are the words I tell myself, when I feel any hesitation. As you could already guess, self-confidence is one of the most important traits for me. It is really hard to achieve something in life without it. That is why I am so happy that I can add self-confidence to every client.

–        What makes your approach to permanent makeup so unique?

–        I think it’s natural look. I often hear from my clients that they want a bright permanent makeup. But a strong colored permanent makeup isn’t really practical. It can be even unsuitable in some situations. I always recommend my clients to start with lighter, more natural artistry. To try wearing it for some period of time and only after that decide whether they want it brighter. We can always do it later, if they wish. But mostly, after some time clients are happy to wear this lighter version of PMU, because it is rather versatile. Another secret of mine is caring about my clients. I really want to give them the most appropriate artistry. I try to understand their way of life, their style and their needs, to give them stylish looks that suit their personality the most. And I think I have some success with that (smiles).

–        Is this what you teach during your training sessions?

–        Well, the basis for my training course is the manual I have created. It includes all the necessary information to get started in the profession: from the structure of the skin to the favorite products I use in my work. The course also includes my live sessions on the model, so the students can see how I am doing the work. I explain every step during these sessions. On the last day of the course students work on models themselves. Each of them also gets a permanent makeup machine and all the materials necessary to begin their own practice right after the course.

–        It all sounds really cool and serious. Is there a place for humor in your work?

–        Where in this life can you get without humor? (smiles) You know, once I had a very funny episode in my studio. I had a client for a lip blush procedure. It was her first visit. We both were really satisfied with the result. We said goodbye to each other and I was waiting for another client in ten minutes. Imagine my reaction, when I saw that same girl entering the door to my studio as my next client. And she was without the permanent makeup I had just made for her! For some moment I thought I’m going crazy (laughs). It turned out she was the twin sister of the first girl. They didn’t warn me that two twins had booked me one after another. That looked like an episode from some comic sitcom.

–        It is really funny! And finally, can you give some advice for people who want to try permanent makeup but are still hesitating? How would they choose an artist?

–      Take a closer look at the videos on the artist’s Instagram page or Tik Tok. One can’t fake the video. Read all the reviews you can find and look at the photos of healed results. But first of all, look at the artist herself. If her style and energy speak to you – then do it.

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