Eye Health: Is There A Possible Link Between Low Brain Pressure And The Development Of Glaucoma?

Eye Health: Is There A Possible Link Between Low Brain Pressure And The Development Of Glaucoma?

What Function Does Reduced Brain Pressure Serve?

According to the doctor, there is typically a “delicate balance” between the pressures inside the brain-containing skull and the eye. This balance can be “disrupted,” which can negatively impact the optic nerve and eventually lead to glaucoma.

Hypotension within the Brain

According to Dr. Bukhari, intracranial hypotension is another term for low brain pressure. It happens when the skull’s internal pressure is lower than usual. This may occur for a number of reasons:

  • Head injuries
  • spinal fluid seepage
  • specific medical disorders

“When the pressure in the skull drops, it can lead to changes in the pressure gradient between the eye and the brain, potentially affecting the optic nerve’s health,” she states.

The Findings of Research

Referring to a research article in the journal “Ophthalmology,” the physician asserts that those with low brain pressure might be more susceptible to glaucoma. According to this study, glaucoma was shown to be more common in people with intracranial hypotension than in those without the illness. These results emphasize the significance of taking low brain pressure into account as a potential glaucoma risk factor in addition to high eye pressure.”

The Signs of Glaucoma

The doctor lists the following possible symptoms: tunnel vision, light-haloes around lights, redness or soreness in the eyes, blurred vision, and in extreme situations, sudden loss of vision.

Typical Risk Elements

Age (above 60), a family history of glaucoma, high intraocular pressure, thin corneas, and certain medical diseases including diabetes and hypertension are some common risk factors for developing glaucoma.

Preventive and Therapeutic Measures

According to Dr. Bukhari, glaucoma patients can benefit from both conventional and novel therapy, which can enhance their quality of life and result in better outcomes. For the purpose of preventing irreversible vision damage, routine eye exams are essential for early identification and treatment.

Reduced CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)

The expert cautions that people with lower CSF pressure might be more susceptible to “normal-tension glaucoma,” a form of glaucoma in which normal intraocular pressure levels cause damage to the optic nerve.

“By understanding how variations in brain pressure can impact eye health, it is possible to identify those at risk for glaucoma and intervene earlier to prevent irreversible vision loss. The main goal of treatment is to reduce intraocular pressure to slow down or prevent further damage to the optic nerve. Medications like eye drops, oral medications, and in some cases surgery may be used to manage glaucoma effectively,” she concludes.

Sanchita Patil

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