SIRGIBSON: From Kassel to California, Rocking with ‘Elder Time’

SIRGIBSON: From Kassel to California, Rocking with ‘Elder Time’

SirGibson, the hard rocker (born September 3rd, 1995), is taking the music world by storm with his latest release, “After Bang To The Top Ten.” In a recent interview, we had the opportunity to chat with this musical powerhouse and delve into the details of his journey and his acclaimed album ‘Elder Time.’

SirGibson’s passion for music was nurtured from a young age. He learned to play the guitar from his grandfather, who was an integral part of a rock band, while his mother also contributed her vocal talents. Music was in his blood, and he embraced it wholeheartedly.

His musical influences are a blend of classic rock royalty, including Deep Purple, Queen, and Guns N’ Roses. “I like the chord progressions of Queen, the complex guitar playing of Steve Morse, and the gritty riffs of GNR. But let’s not forget Chuck Berry and Eddie Van Halen; they’ve left their mark on me,” he shared.

SirGibson’s journey has been marked by a commitment to authenticity. “I made the decision to go my own way musically a few years ago. What sets me apart is the fusion of diverse influences and a rock ‘n’ roll ethos,” he emphasized. His dedication to his craft includes daily practice, even as he balances his roles as a guitar teacher and a musician.

‘Elder Time,’ his latest album, is a testament to his dedication. Recorded at Marburg Records in Germany, the album captures the spirit of the ’70s and ’80s while infusing it with a contemporary twist for 2022. “We aimed to create an album that evokes nostalgia for those golden eras while remaining fresh,” he explained.

SirGibson’s commitment to rock doesn’t go unnoticed. The album has achieved notable chart placements and earned airplay on Californian radio stations, proving that rock ‘n’ roll still has a place in today’s music scene.

As for the future, SirGibson is gearing up for more live shows in Germany and anticipates recording new material in October. “I don’t want to reveal too much, but you can expect a new single later this year,” he teased.

In addition, mark your calendars for September 2nd, when a highly-anticipated music video for ‘After Bang To The Top Ten’ is set to premiere, promising a visual spectacle to complement his powerful music.

SirGibson’s journey from Kassel to California is a testament to his unwavering dedication to rock ‘n’ roll. With ‘Elder Time’, ‘Mary the Hairy’ and ‘After Bang To The Top Ten,’ he’s proving that his unique blend of influences and unapologetic attitude are a force to be reckoned with in the world of music.

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Alekh Kumar

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