Meet Reeva and Gaurika future big star in upcoming years

Reeva and Gaurika are 5- and 4-year-old young girls determined to create their unique niche as influencers.
It is so surreal to know and learn about all those individuals that choose to do the different and offer value to others in the world. Knowing about such people only instill more hope, positivity and inspiration in others, motivating them to believe in their dreams and turn the same into a beautiful reality for them. All this has become possible with the growth of the social media world, where people in increasing numbers are coming forward to be a part of the same and showcase their talents with the aim to engage more with people and emerge as well-known personalities. With the rise of millions of influencers on social media today, we couldn’t resist to talk about two little beautiful and talented girls named Reeva and Gaurika.
Who are these two girls, you ask? Well, let us start by letting you know that Reeva is all of 5 years and Gaurika is only 4 years old. Yes, you read that right. Both of them today have become social media influencers with their amazing videos that they keep posting on their handle. One cannot help but notice the cuteness with which they create their videos, making sure that they entertain and also impact people positively with whatever they try to create. Hearing about such stories only goes to show how social media has been welcoming enough to toddlers, teenagers, youngsters and all other age groups from any corner of the world. Social media gives people the chance to exhibit their talents and those who go ahead in creating a close connection with the audiences become influential names in the medium, just like Reeva and Gaurika.
Reeva and Gaurika’s videos are constantly sought-after by the audiences, not just for how cutely they are made, but also to appreciate their talents that radiate honesty at such a young age. They have earned thousands of followers on their Instagram, which in itself is a huge feat to achieve as kids.