Mari Burns-Channelizing Creative Energies

All accomplished people have one thing in common, and that is a creative spark. The creative spark is mostly attributed to people belonging to art, theatre, and literature. However, it’s not restricted to people belonging to art and literature. The creative spark is also present in individuals, who are pursuing careers in sciences and business as well. All the scientific inventions would not have been possible if those individuals had not thought about something out of the box. They were able to create something different in order to help humankind to have a better lifestyle by channelizing their creative spark.
All individuals have been bestowed with a creative spark by nature. However, only a few of them are able to channel that spark, cultivate it and utilize it in the correct direction. All those people, who have been able to harness the power of their creativity turn into renowned scientists, architects, inventors, artists, painters, poets, and musicians. One such person, who has utilized her creative instincts is Mari Burns. Burns is an American actress, model, and entrepreneur, who harnessed her creativity in performing arts as well as by establishing her own business. Although the two domains are apparently contradictory, they are just symptomatic of how creative energies can be redirected into different domains.
Burns was born on September 20, 1966, in Veracruz, Mexico. She studied Business Administration in her hometown and emigrated to the United States in 2000. She is a model and has acted in multiple projects. In 2019, she acted in short films namely Mi Amigo and The Run. In 2021, she became a part of UNUM: The Series, La Santa Muerte, and Leave ‘em Laughing. She has also acted in multiple films including Influence (2022), Spaguetti de Medianoche (2022), Juegos Mortales (2022), F.O.G.O (2022), and Saint Death (2021). She has appeared in television shows such as Infamy (2020), and Caso cerrado (2018).
Burns has acted in commercials, television shows, plays, and short films that have been released in Florida and Mexico. One of her projects, Agua de tu Madre, is in the post-production stage. She has been striving to improve her craft and create a mark in the entertainment industry. She views acting as a creative outlet for her energies and instincts.
Burns’ creativity is not only limited to the entertainment industry. She has also established her own business USA Latino Services and ServiAmerica, which has multiple workplaces across Vista, California. She founded her business by utilizing her experience as an insurance agent, loan officer, bookkeeping officer, real estate age, and notary public. She combined her experience with her creative energies which led her to establish her own business. Many individuals are unable to establish their own businesses despite serving in the industry for several decades. However, she took a leap of faith and turned her experience creatively into a business venture.
In December 2018, Burns joined ServiAmerica, an immigration consultancy that assists the people of California in preparing and legalizing immigration petitions. She has been serving in the immigration consultancy industry for more than ten years and has considerable expertise in helping different communities with accounting, tax preparation, and payroll. She is well aware of the struggles that individuals face while doing these tasks and aids communities around her. Burns is a versatile individual, who is not only managing two roles in different domains but also efficiently taking care of her two sons. She is settled in Sunnyside, California with her two sons.
Burns has been interviewed on multiple channels and featured on social media due to her achievements and inspiring journey as an entrepreneur and actress. Her story is an example for all those people who are afraid to uptake multiple tasks at a time and go by the maxim that you can’t wear two hats at the same time. Her journey as an entrepreneur reflects that by believing in your creative energies in the correct directions, you cannot only wear two hats at a time but rather excel in both of them. Individuals need to believe in themselves, unearth their creative powers, channel them, and redirect them in the right direction. They will be able to succeed if they utilize their creative spark instead of following other people blindly.