The young music producer can’t wait to construct many new singles in the coming years.

When people today talk about how “youngsters” have been changing the game of various industries, they also mention the excellence and resilience these “youngsters” show in their endeavors and careers. There are too many talented people in this world, but not all have the courage to listen to what their heart says and go forward to fulfill their dreams. Thankfully, Anthony Gray stands as a unique talent / personality and went with what his heart asked for. “Music is what my heart beats for,” mentions the young music producer and talent, who has recently become the talk of the town for his song “Beaches.”

Why does Anthony Gray stand out as a unique musician, you wonder? Because this young talent has always worked with genuine aim to offer value to people through his innate music skills and passion. He points out that the industry is already filled with many diluted artists who are only interested in attaining fast success, and in the process, forget that excellence can only come to those who choose to go under the grind, surrendering themselves to their art.

Anthony Gray’s pure art and passion can be heard from his song Beaches, which outlines some of Anthony’s interests in a captivating and catchy tone. Selecting simple yet relevant topics and creating new songs around them has now become a way of life for this incredible music producer. Anthony Gray always wants to challenge himself as an artist. By doing something different to offer uniqueness to the listeners, Anthony has seen great success simply from making the very structure and sound of the songs distinctive.

Beaches is one of the many songs that he has produced that exudes his pure passion, love and commitment to music. Anthony Gray doesn’t want to stop working anytime soon, especially after becoming an emerging name in the industry. In fact, he has major plans to take over the music field and rule the charts for many, many years. Till then, follow him on Instagram @anthonygrayny.

Alekh Kumar: