God Wants a Relationship with His Children

The relationship between a father and his children cannot be fathomed or fully understood. It is a bond of love that transcends time, space, and perception.
When it comes to a father, his children are everything to him. His love is always unconditional. Similarly, our Heavenly Father is always by our side, looking out for us and picking us up when we’re down. He celebrates our wins and pushes us to exceed our potential.
That said, just like in any other relationship, efforts must be made from both ends. Our Father may love us unconditionally, but how connected are we to Him?
Let’s discuss how God wants a relationship with His children.
The Word of the Father
“But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name.”
John 1:12
In the Bible, we witness God expressing His love for His children and how He wants to develop a relationship with them. Each parable, story, and testimony mentioned in the Bible were written to help draw us closer to Him.
Most people have trouble connecting with God because they don’t fully understand Him and how He wants the best for us.
To develop a connection, communication is critical. In the Bible, God reveals Himself in anthropomorphic language. Anthropomorphic language expresses God’s characteristics in the human tongue for us to understand.
When we delve deeper into the Scriptures, three key characteristics about God reveal how He is our Father.
- Caretaker: The most prominent characteristic of the role of a father is that they stop at nothing to protect their children. Psalm 91:4 says, “He shall cover you with His feathers.” God is constantly looking out for you, making sure you are protected from the evil one and his doings.
- Merciful: As children, we are bound to make mistakes to grow and reach our potential. Thankfully, The Lord, Our God, is merciful. Psalm 103:8 says, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”
- Available: Like a good father, He is always available whenever we need Him. Isaiah 65:24 says, “Before they call I answer; while they speak I will hear.”
God is a loving Father; all He asks is a connection with His children. He wants us to communicate with Him in prayer to express our love for him.
In Exodus 33, we see that God knows Moses by name, referring to a personal understanding of who he is. He wants to know us by name in an intimate bond, just as how the foal knows the call of the mother zebra.
That said, developing a relationship with God requires perseverance, consistency, and faith. Author Wayne J. Coleman presents the perfect companion on your spiritual journey to getting to know God on a deeper level. Coleman’s 2nd Edition of his enlightening book, Who Is This God? shares more of his testimonies and insights that help believers truly understand Him.
In his book, Wayne says, “My experience has taught me we must be willing to receive help. Sometimes help comes directly from the Lord, and other times, God uses people to bring help and comfort when it is most needed.”
Condensing a lifetime’s worth of lessons into one book, Wayne wishes to give his readers the gift of hope, courtesy of Our Father.
Grab your copy of Who Is This God? 2nd Edition. Now available on Barnes & Noble, Friesenpress, and Amazon.