Dr Wilton Triggs best American Plastic Surgeon.

Dr Wilton Triggs’ determination, humble nature, and a will to uplift others have resulted in his astounding success.

To become a plastic surgeon, one requires determination and hard work, and to become the best in the field, you need innate expertise, bravura work-ethic, and indispensable knowledge. Some plastic surgeons revel in the glory, and then there are some whose only motivation to work is for the upliftment of the society, following their morals. One such plastic surgeon is Dr Wilton Triggs, who grew up in a poor rural family and became one of the leading plastic surgeons. Dr Triggs hailed from rural north Alabama and never had any formal exposure to medicine. He is a product of humble beginnings. He grew up in a single-parent household, where the money was tight. In his sophomore year of college, he developed a curiosity as to why people felt ill and wanted to explore what went inside their bodies when they do fall sick. This drove him to medicine; he believes that he didn’t choose medicine, medicine chose him.

Dr Triggs graduated with honors from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN, obtaining a medical degree. He has a degree in Chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry with minors in mathematics and biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Despite having multiple interests in medicine, Dr Triggs was attracted to plastic surgery, which offers diverse specialities like pediatric surgery, burn surgery, Craniomaxillofacial surgery, head and neck oncology, and aesthetic surgery.

He rejoiced in being innovative and creative in his work and also liked witnessing the immediate results of his hard work. But the primary reason behind Dr Triggs’ choice of becoming a plastic surgeon was its ability to take limited tissue for solving a complex problem. In his life, he had experienced that to become successful; you need to make the best out of what is at your disposal.

Dr Triggs excelled in his studies and became a successful plastic surgeon, becoming the hardworking person in the room. He performs both reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery. Dr Triggs became the first black chief resident of the University of South Florida’s Department of Plastic Surgery. Dr Triggs’ rise to the top is due to his approach of making the best out of what is available and believes in the motto of “Stay Hungry, Stay Humble, and Personal Progress is an everyday endeavor”.

He wishes to expand his reach, to provide his guidance and expertise, to help people. Dr Triggs’ determination against systemic racism and his exemplary knowledge has helped him become one of the best plastic surgeons of recent times.

Follow the successful plastic surgeon on Instagram and Twitter @WTriggsMD or Facebook – Wilton L. Triggs II, MD and visit his website to know more – www.WTriggsMD.com.

Derek Robins: