Confronting Abuse Through Effective Emotional Empathy

Emotional intelligence is not innate. It is by practicing that we develop it. People with high emotional intelligence stand out. Their authenticity is refreshing, and their ease with emotions impresses us. They know how to make others comfortable and defuse conflicts brilliantly. In short, there are so many reasons to overcome any new challenge you face. You can find real-life challenges in Jessica Sauls book, “You Have To Feel To Deal.” Jessica Sauls has expressed her way of dealing with situational crises with emotional empathy in her book.
Take Charge of yourself
Work on your self-esteem because a lack of self-esteem often will prevent a person from assuming responsibility. If we do not take responsibility, it becomes impossible to be authentic in our exchanges and experience our emotions without shame or embarrassment. One must learn to stop being nice and be honest. Emotional intelligence is not performing acrobatics to avoid discomfort and negative emotions in others. It involves the ability to control one’s emotions and show empathy. Preparing before an essential or more delicate exchange can fulfill this double function.
It would help if you met with loved ones to tell them that you are unhappy with a particular thing and the situation makes you uncomfortable. Take time to notice the facts: what is unsatisfactory concerning the other person’s emotional and physical state? Does one often miss date nights or has turned silent or suspicious? Anything concerning you might be concerning the other person, and the only thing that goes well with it is discussion.
If you are unsure how to approach the situation, seek a couple of counselors. Also, ask yourself what else your loved ones might want to know. So you will not be caught off guard. This preparation will keep your emotions at the necessary distance during the rally. In addition, you will better consider your loved ones and show empathy regarding their experience.
Be an active Listener
Listening is the starting point of communication. Hearing is not enough; you must know how to listen to develop emotional intelligence. Active listening allows you to be empathetic and available to people you care for. This type of listening will enable you to understand what the other has to say and demonstrate your interest and sensitivity.
Emotional intelligence allows us to use our emotions intelligently to better manage our thoughts and behaviors to obtain the desired results. To achieve this, you must show yourself as you are at all costs, even if it displeases the other. It would help if you were clear about your feelings, and then you could turn emotionally empath.
Avoid being judgmental
Overcoming our prejudices is difficult. First, it should be remembered that everyone judges. A judgment is an impression, and everyone has an impression. We can learn to ignore our biases. To do this, do the exercise of putting yourself in the person’s shoes. Maybe you would have acted the same way if you were in his position. Once you start understanding the perspective of the other, then you can quickly help your loved ones deal with the emotional and physical pain. Jessica Sauls discusses such a scenario in her book, “You Have To Feel To Deal.” You can find many tips for dealing with the situation when you read this book.