Billy Arora rising star fashion model

Representation, representation in the modelling industry is a rare phenomenon, yet, the resilient ones stand tall against all the odds stacked against them. In the case of Billy Arora, she stands 5 feet 10 inches tall against all the curveballs of the modelling.

Billy Arora is an East Indian – Norwegian model with Elite Model Management NYC, IMG Models, The INDUSTRY Model Management LA and Zombie Model Management.

Arora started out 6 years ago and in this time span has bagged spots in Grazia, L’officiel and Vogue, and has also been part of Rudsak, YSL and Sephora campaigns.

With her more than half a decade long career, Arora has amassed a following on Social Media with whom she shares glimpses of her off-camera life, her Photography skills and the new vegan recipe she tried, along with these things she also uses her Social Media platform to redirect her follower’s attention towards social issues at hand.

Derek Robins: