Billance Earn launched USDT&USDC Flexible Savings. Enjoy 18% APY

Dear Billance Community!

We are today, extremely excited, as well proud, to finally let our community know about the official launch of our Billance ‘Earn Flexible Savings’ product, that is slated to go live this month. The ‘Earn Flexible Savings’ product, effectively guarantees that Billance users get an impressive, 18% APY, and yes, on autopilot. We agree, if this isn’t something to sing and scream about, then we don’t know what is.

By using the ‘Earn Flexible Savings’ product, users can buy short term Earn products with different deliverables, thus allowing the user to earn higher returns than they would normally do, with their bank savings in a identical period. For investors and or users who do not require high liquidity for short-term funds and seek higher returns, the ‘Earn Flexible Savings’ is definitely a good choice for earning such stable returns.

Some Unique Selling Points of Billance ‘Earn Flexible Savings’ Is As Follows:

High Yield – Earn returns that are in comparison much higher than traditional financial products, offered by the Banks.

Low Risk – Earn only invests in products that form apart of and comply with Billance’s short-term and high-security strategy, ensuring all users and or investors can earn income both, efficiently and effectively.

ZERO Fees – ZERO Fees for the investment, on part of the user refers to a situation, where there is absolutely no cost for subscription, as well, removal of the same subscription.

Low Threshold – Due to the selecting of low-risk strategies and products, compared to other more traditional options, the investment threshold can be as low as 100 USDT.

Billance Earn – Fixed Term refers to a situation, where a digital asset that is deposited for a fixed period, allows the user to earn a higher return than its flexible counterpart.

Billance ‘Earn Flexible Savings’ also has regular high yield digital currency deposit events, that are used in conjunction with different project parties. Users are required to lock in a corresponding digital currency in Billance to receive higher returns. Subscription is always required for these events, its definitely a good idea to pay close attention to Billance announcements for more information.

Billance’s ‘Earn Flexible Savings’ creates a win win solution, for the whole Billance community, as well, ecosystem…🚀

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