Workout During Ramadan: The Definitive Manual for 2024 Fitness

For most Muslims, the topic of how to work out during Ramadan frequently becomes perplexing.

For fear of infirmity, the majority of individuals even quit exercising during the Holy Month.

Let’s first address the following query: Is it appropriate to work out during Ramadan? Yes, is the response!

Working exercise during Ramadan requires caution, though, if you want to avoid becoming dehydrated and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Creating a Secure and Wholesome Ramadan Exercise Schedule:

1. For Those who Lead Sedentary Lives:

Starting an intense exercise regimen during Ramadan is not a smart idea if you were a generally sedentary person before the month of Ramadan. But you should make an effort to become active.

It is recommended that individuals of this type start with mild exercise, such as going for walks and using the stairs rather than the elevator. You can include basic stretching exercises and yoga poses to your Ramadan exercise regimen.

2. For Those who have Active Lives:

It’s advisable to carry on with your workouts if you have a busy schedule that included training programs, but remember to be well hydrated. Above all, resist the temptation to intensify your workouts this month.

What Time of day is Ideal for Working out During Ramadan?

This well-known question does not have a universally applicable response. However, there are rules to go by in this regard.

Fitness experts advise performing strength training prior to suhoor throughout Ramadan in order to refill during suhoor.

Cardio exercise should be limited throughout Ramadan to prevent weakness; ideally, it should be done 30 to 40 minutes prior to or after iftar. If you do these exercises frequently, you risk losing muscle mass quickly.

While exercising, keep in mind to sip water—but refrain from downing copious amounts.

Note: Your goal should simply be to stay active during the fasting hours.

Why Yoga is as Vital to Other Forms of Exercise:

Yoga positions are a great way to move your body while focusing, unwinding, and practicing meditation. It also forces you to stretch, which helps with a variety of aches and pains in your body. Not to mention, it can help with worry and anxiety.

During Ramadan, Pushing Yourself can be Risky:

When organizing your workout for Ramadan, the most crucial thing to keep in mind is to pay attention to your body. Reduce the intensity of your workouts if you feel weak or dehydrated.

Examining your diet closely is another crucial step to take. Fasting will be extremely difficult on a diet deficient in vital nutrients.

Why it’s Not a Good Idea to Eat till You’re Full after Breaking the Fast:

Heartburn and cholesterol problems can arise from overindulging in food to make up for the calories you lost during your fast. In the end, it can make fasting more taxing on your body. Thus, limit your intake to what you would typically eat on a typical day.

Consume dates throughout Ramadan to maintain good health overall. Potassium, which is abundant in dates, can help balance sodium overload from eating too much salt and support brain function.

Steer clear of processed and salty foods as they will dehydrate you, leaving you very thirsty and making the following fast very difficult.

Hope You have a Healthy Ramadan that You can be Happy with:

Including exercise in your routine during Ramadan is actually quite simple. Maintaining your level of physical activity in line with your previous level should be your primary goal.

Never forget to pay the uttermost attention to your diet. Consume a balanced diet, take vitamin supplements, stay away from salty and fried foods.

Since this is the month of introspection and spiritual development, unwinding is also crucial.

Above all, try to make it a healthy experience and stay true to the spiritual meaning of Ramadan.

Sanchita Patil: