Tragedy turns into success with Frank Song

Frank Song, an American businessman, investor and former wall street investment banker had a rough start and a terrible childhood. Coming from a family with a sick mother and alcoholic father, the responsibility of the upbringing of his sister was put on his shoulder. At the age of 14, he was forced to live a life of a homeless person, but rather than letting his confidence steep low, he decided to strive hard and make a life for himself. He worked as an investment banker on wall street and as an investor at a private equity firm. His work ethic and benevolent attitude towards his job rose him in position but had to quit it to help his family.

Over the years, he has been able to establish himself as an efficient businessman. His non-traditional approach to business expansion has earned him credibility. Before commencing the plan, he recognizes the core issue of the organization and triggers the changes. Revaluing the company, acquainting sophisticated business ideas, changing the foundation to fit the oligopoly and monopoly market situation and many other things are constituted in the process. The booming financial sector has a lot of offers, which needs a complex vision to identify and work on. Today as people are discovering the benefits of business, more and more companies are ready for their inauguration. What is preferred the most is a person carrying expertise in transforming the idea into a going concern.

Frank Song, also an owner of a multimillion-dollar firm when asked about his mantras to success, explains the importance of making decisions. While you start early in your career, you are prone to many life-altering decisions, but to protect your future and determine your path, it is crucial that you think, analyze the repercussions of your actions, and then make a decision.  Moreover, he expresses his fondness regarding having conversations with experienced people. He believes the more you expand your networks and interact with impactful people, the more you better your perspective and become better as a person and an entrepreneur.

While he was 17, his passion for real estate brought him into the business. Dealing with demanding clients was stressful, but as he listened to their life stories and success journey, he got to relive those moments through their words and learn from their experience.

Derek Robins: