The Return Of The Mohicans: A New Hope By James Edmund Adams Has Garnered Attention

The human mind is always curious about new experiences, and what better way could be to satisfy one’s curiosity than by reading? Reading is the best approach to discovering new realms and cultures, as no other approach can compare to it. Reading helps us to expand our minds and experience the world from a viewpoint that is totally different from our own.

We are exposed to fresh ideas and uncover previously unknown possibilities. When it comes to works of fantasy literature, the creative opportunities become virtually limitless. Authors have complete leeway to experiment with the language, settings, and storylines of their works.

The Return Of The Mohicans: A New Hope

James Edmund Adams, with the effervescent creativity he possesses, has set down what is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing stories. His work, “The Return of the Mohicans: A New Hope,” delves into the realm of science fiction in several diverse ways. The plot is grounded in reality while including elements of fantasy, making it an ideal read for anyone interested in contemporary affairs. The heroic protagonist of the novel, who possesses extraordinary talents, instills hope in the minds of the readers.

The Prologue

The story starts by establishing that all men are created equal. However, discrimination has let down the great values of America, and nothing will ever be the same again.

For 500 years, millions of Native Americans were harmed by sickness, persecution, forced expulsion, and outright massacre. Treating Native Americans as subhuman “Indian savages,” the US government pushed numerous indigenous people who survived on reservations into destitution. Their ancestors in the Spirit World witnessed hundreds of treaties being broken and continue to suffer as a result. So, they have formed a massive army commanded by skilled recruits and a Champion selected from among the living to combat a wicked Lord and seek to take down a heartless, cruel President, Dr. Jeromy Whitefeather, Ph.D., a Professor of Native American Studies, is transported to the past, where he travels and trains in the Spirit World with a Great Chief named Chingachgook, who was supposed to be the last of his Mohican people.

He experiences a tremendous shift, acquiring courage, strength, and the fiercest warrior combat skills, and leads an army of Spirit Warriors in a reckless attempt to rewrite American history.

The Return Of The Mohicans: A New Hope is a story of love, hope, passion, and patriotism, where the protagonist fights for the rights of innocents who are killed brutally by the powerful.

Dedication of James Edmund Adams

James Edmund Adams enjoyed visiting libraries as a boy and fell in love early with adventure, fantasy, supernatural, and Science Fiction reading Mark Twain, Ray Bradbury, Issac Asimov, J.R.R. Tolkein, Stephen King, and many more. From an early age, the author was also fond of competitive swimming and music. He attended three colleges and graduated with a degree in Nursing, which he used to work in Emergency, Psychiatry, and Addictions for many years (to name a few). He had several jobs as a Registered Nurse, including staff and management. Throughout those years, he assisted tens of thousands of people in physical or emotional crises. The event was very altering. James was raised in a Catholic environment and spent several decades steeped in organized religion. 

Connecting to the web of life has given him knowledge and connection with the elements and energies that impact us all, bringing harmony and balance to our lives. He and his family resided in a number of remote places near Indian reservations. They went to a lot of powwows and other Native American activities, and they were very interested in their spirituality, culture, and issues. He is haunted by their misery and misfortune. All of these experiences compelled him to pen this story filled with love and sadness.

Through his publications, James Edmund Adams tries to assist readers in doing just that! He weaves words together in harmony, attempting to distract his readers from the chaos of existence.

His stories transport you to a fantasy dreamland that you would not otherwise be able to visit unless you travel to one of his worlds!

Indulge in this exciting tale and learn the adventurous conclusion to this exciting story. Get your copy today.

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