Rivers Edge Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry – The Best Orthodontics In Fort Saskatchewan

Rivers Edge’s experienced and professional team is committed to providing exceptional orthodontic care with full passion to their valued clients. 

Childhood may be the best time for making changes in the positioning of the teeth. But today, more and more adults are choosing orthodontics for adults procedures and getting excellent results. According to a report, one in five orthodontic patients is an adult. 

Why Do Adults Need Orthodontics?

Many adults, as children, did not receive any necessary orthodontic treatment to correct common problems. These common problems include crowded or crooked teeth, jaw joint disorders, incorrect jaw position, overbites, underbites, and many more.

When left untreated, these common problems can have a serious impact on oral health. This includes gum disease, tooth decay, headaches, and earaches, as well as biting, speaking, or chewing problems. 

Is Orthodontic Treatment Different For Adults?

Wearing braces can serve many benefits to adults, like improved oral health and smile. However, keeping in mind that adults no longer foster growth like children, the treatments for adults may take longer than it does for teenagers. 

An average adult wears braces for somewhere between 18 months and three years. One may need to wear a retainer after braces are removed to maintain the results of their treatment. 

How Can I Find Out If I Need Orthodontics Treatment?

A few signs that may indicate the need for orthodontic treatment are:

Spacing Or Crowding Between Teeth – If there are spaces between the teeth, then it’s time to visit an orthodontist. They might recommend you Invisalign clear aligners or metal braces.  

Protruding Or Misaligned Teeth – If a few of the teeth look misaligned, impacting the overall appearance of a smile, then it’s high time to pay a visit to the orthodontist. If not attended, those misaligned teeth might cause tooth decay and develop plaque. 

Difficulty Chewing Or Biting– Experiencing pain while eating food or regularly biting your tongue or inside your mouth while eatingis a sign that your teeth need orthodontics treatment. 

Speech Difficulties– The struggle to pronounce certain words, to communicate, or any changes in the speech indicates that there can be some problems with the teeth, and they might need orthodontics treatments. 

Rivers Edge – A Proactive Solution For Adults

Rivers Edge Orthodontics specializes in both orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. It provides a full range of dental services for adults. With several years of experience, they have gained the trust of several families by taking care of the entire family’s dental needs under one roof. 

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