Overcoming the Odds – Darnell Thompson aka Fit Flash

Growing up in a difficult home and facing various forms of adversity, Darnell Thompson followed in the footsteps of these great people who made the choice to overcome obstacles in life rather than succumb to them. Great people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, Jesse Owens, Tom Cruise, Fredrick Douglass, and many more served as silent mentors for Darnell Thompson who morphed himself into the globally known Fit Flash.

The point for Fit Flash is that there is a HUGE difference between having a ‘drive” in your life versus being “motivated” in your life. Motivation fades, especially in times of adversity. Motivation can be broken and is usually derived from a temporary goal that creates a desire in a person’s life. Having “drive” or being “driven” is harder to break and the flame is harder to extinguish because it is your lifestyle, it is what causes you to move forward and live explains Fit Flash. Don’t live your life only by motivation, but change your mindset and become driven to a goal. Darnell Thompson’s goal was to become a professional basketball player, to be famous, and to help others along the way realize that being a victim is mindset not a circumstance of life. “You can look at failure as a reason to quit, or you can look at failure as learning experience on what to change” says Fit Flash. Money is not the driving factor in Fit Flash’s life, but instead certain character achievements hold a higher level of spiritual attainment for him. “Watching others smile because I helped them achieve a goal they didn’t think was possible is what it is all about; lead by example” Fit Flash says.

It is through his fitness that he came to co-found The Church of Fitness and Nutrition. Darnell Thompson has a drive that keeps him achieving different levels of success on a daily basis. He is one of the heaviest people to do calisthenics and control his body in a way that very few, if anyone, can do at over 230 lbs. Graduating from athletics at a professional and international level, Darnell Thompson (aka Fit Flash) continues to grow and motivate on an international level in person and through his Instagram account @Fit_Flash. He does not hide from his followers, but instead interacts with them regularly and responds to private messages sent to him by many followers. He helps to guide his followers through his example

Derek Robins: