Keith Seville – The ultimate business leader and consultant

As we all know consulting is much more than giving advice. A consultant is “an expert who works as a mentor or an advisor either to a company or to another individual.” Sounds pretty indistinct, doesn’t it? But unless you’ve been in a coma for the past decade, you probably would have a good idea of what a consultant actually is. One such proven business leader with over three decades of experience in business development including Equality and Diversity is Keith Seville.

But to know why Keith can be your ultimate business leader and consultant, you must read his book ‘Mine Your Business’. The book is a story of business success against the odds from Keith’s own experiences. In his book, he explains how learned so many strategies, how he supported young entrepreneurs with his skills. he also offers the secrets of his survival to help you

Talking about his business background. We’ll have to look back to February 1997, when Keith founded Capital Direct by obtaining a consumer credit license. This move allowed Capital Direct to be fully independent of any financial institution. When Keith started out his business he had to raise £500 out of his own sources, as banks weren’t interested in lending him money. His father matched this by contributing a further £500 which allowed Mr. Seville to deposit on an office in Reading, England.

This bold move made Capital Direct’s clients approach them for prestigious vehicles finance ranging from £10,000 – £100,000. In 1999 Keith felt that he could help the black and ethnic people by assisting them to find the right financial package as historically it has been difficult for ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom to meet the criteria of the financial credit rating systems. You can read more in the recent article published by Myron Jobson 

Summing up all that, Keith has gained a lot of skill, strategies, and experience and is a proven business leader who can be the ultimate guide for your business.

Derek Robins: