“We as human beings should learn to build unity, sustainability, mutual responsibility, and mutually complementing connections. For cooperation should be kept above the inherently selfish, egoistic, subjective human nature,” says Josia Andreas.

Human beings are social living creatures who cannot survive without interacting with each other. Josia Andreas, a 24 years male model and an aspiring serial and movie actor, believes that life is too short to keep the negative vibes around you. People who play a toxic role in your life should be immediately let out of your life. Negative people generate the negative energy which consumes you. So, stop luring around with such a company. 

 “A person is known by the company he keeps,” it is proper to many extents. A personality of a person plays a significant role when it comes to his career. Choosing between what is right and what is wrong is one of the most challenging tasks. But with a good company of people, every challenge becomes easier. According to Josia, one should keep the company of positive people who can appreciate you when you do the right thing. People who hold the same interest as you or just support you in all your good decisions. When you switch from a negative surrounding to a positive one, you will start observing changes in your personality. Gradually, your outlook will change on broader and better terms when you start spending time with people who share the same energy as yours. 

Life is a ride rollercoaster, and Josia enjoys it as he learns from every victory and defeat. He believes that when he loses, he still learns from his mistakes. This makes Josia Andreas more energetic and enthusiastic. Modelling is not a job. And if you want to become one, you have to be patient and a good listener for it. 

Josia Andreas believes that nothing can be more boosting than an appreciation in a world full of negativity and challenges. Appreciation has the power to boost energy levels and come out to be more enthusiastic and better. One can learn faster when appreciated by the boss or someone else. Josia Andreas says, “Take me as I am, not who I was.’’ By saying this, Josia wants to convey that people should consider him or, for that matter, anyone else as the person he is today and not what he was yesterday because his toil and perseverance have brought him to these heights. Motivation and appreciation go hand in hand. Josia Andreas has a positive outlook, and his cheerful personality is built with time and from the people who support, motivate, and appreciate him. At last, the secret of every successful character is Motivation & Appreciation.      

Derek Robins: