Interview With International Fashion Designer Justin Haynes

Hi, Mr. Justin Haynes. How are you? How Is Your Work Going?

-I am great, I’m Blessed!!! 

Work is going great considering the time we living in. It’s a choice… we make the best of it? Or we let it over take us and we crumble! NOT SO FOR ME!!! – I have much to live for and still much more work to do! 

When Did You Decide To Be A Fashion Designer? What Makes You Different?

-This is a Middle School Dream!!! I realized I wanted to be at Fashion Designer when I was in 8th grade. That’s when I started to develop a style and really get into fashion. I’ve always had a passion to build confidence through clothing. I believe God has allowed me to do that now!

What makes me different? – I’m me! I believe that sets me apart for anyone else. I’m not trying to be anyone but JUS10H! It’s the “take it or leave it for me” 🥴 ️🤣

Tell Us About Your Virtual Fashion Show.

-November 20th I just released ANOTHER collection Virtual called “O R A” – The Orange Navy Collection. This is collection #61 for me. This collection is very retro and clean! I wanted to create something comfortable and classic! YET, very outside of the box. I used Shades of Orange, Navy and Colbot Blue, Denim, and a Hit of Black! 

 It’s a series I’m working on call VIRTUAL STYLE – Something like my personal FASHION WEEK! My goal is to make this a BIG VIRAL CAMPAIGN!! 

What Are Your Future Plans For the Fashion Industry?

-At this point, my future plans are whatever God sends my way. We are in difficult times, I wouldn’t dare be picky! I’m thankful for WHATEVER opportunities that come my way for #JUS10H 

God already has a plan for me, it’s time for me to just follow it

Any Suggestions For Youngsters Who Are Interested In Fashion?


Go for it. Be a creative that makes a difference. The difference is not always in making money! 

It’s all about making an IMPACT! 

How Can People Connect With You?

Facebook: Justin Haynes or JUS10H

Instagram: @theofficialjus10h

Twitter: @jus10hisfashion

Photos by: Andrew Maxwell and Scott Parker  

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