Indulge in authentic Taiwanese tea only at Bonboncha outlets

Tea is a beverage that people of all ages enjoy. Whether it is the youth, adults or the elder generation, a cup of tea is a source of energy for them. Bonboncha is a famous beverage outlet from the lands of Taiwan. Currently, Bonboncha has many outlets spread across European countries and is in the middle of extending to other parts of the world.

Bubble Tea is a potential industry that’s proliferating and Bonboncha serves 100% authentic Taiwanese Bubble tea to thousands of people every day. What makes Bonboncha special and unique, is its freshly exported tea leaves from Taiwanese mountains that offers an authentic taste along with other natural raw ingredients such as brown sugar, fine quality pearls or beads, 100% dairy whipped cream, and more.

Bonboncha is a boutique brand of Taiwanfood with a capital of 100,000 euros. It is owned by Mr Nguyen Vy MINH and has the right to franchise the international bubble tea brand across all continents and countries. Furthermore, Mr Nguyen Vy MINH aspires to build Bonboncha into a prominent international brand that offers an authentic taste of Taiwan with a hint of modernity and innovation.

Bonboncha’s tea shop aesthetic is modern with a welcoming ambience. Its speciality beverage i.e., Fresh Milk Brown Sugar with Tapioca and Whipped Cream is one of the most popular and indulging beverage. All the ingredients that go into making a perfect cup of tea are created from natural elements such as sugarcane, milk, etc. Customers can avail their favourite beverage at customisable sizes according to preference. In addition, customers can also choose how much sugar they would like in their drink.

Before the launch of Bonboncha and its tempting unique menu, all beverage recipes were researched and developed by tea experts in Taiwan. The Bonboncha menu is constantly updated to felicitate new unique beverages and launch seasonal special tea beverages. Furthermore, the staff and employees of Bonboncha go through training to excel at their job. In addition, Mr Nguyen Vy MINH is on a mission to achieve a turnover of 10,000,000 euros by the end of 2022.

The term bonboncha quite literally means ‘good tea’. Furthermore, Bonboncha has a handful of stores in Taiwan and Australia. Its first store that opened in France is located near the Opera and is as busy as it gets. In addition, Bonboncha’s owner plans on opening multiple outlets throughout Europe.

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