Germany wants Apple to update and repair iPhones for 7 years

A new environmental responsibility proposal from the German government to the European Union says Apple needs security updates and spare parts for the iPhone for at least seven years. According to Heise Online, the German Ministry of Economy wants to provide spare parts at a “reasonable price”.

With these demands, the German government goes beyond the previously known proposals of the EU Commission, which require smartphone manufacturers like Apple and Google to update and keep spare parts for five years, while spare parts for tablets should be available for six years.

Digital Europe, an industrial organization representing Association Paul, Samsung and Huawei, thinks the proposals have gone too far. The association proposes that manufacturers provide security updates for three years and work updates for two years.

As for spare parts, DigitalEurope thinks manufacturers should only provide displays and batteries. Other parts, such as cameras, microphones, speakers and connectors, will rarely need to be replaced.

While smartphone makers need to decide how to work in the block and how the EU should do it, Apple has been extending the life of the iPhone for the past few years. The iPhone 6S was launched in 2015 and is still receiving software updates.

At the last WWDC, Apple announced that users could put on iOS 14 users who still receive security patches. For spare parts, in the US, Apple will have to adopt a policy of repair rights.

Last month, a Wall Street Journal report explored the “right to repair” movement as Apple is doubling down on its policies. In the story, journalist Joanna Stern showed that it would be cheaper for Apple Pal users if they could afford a pair of their old Mac independent repair shops that charge less than half of Apple Pal.

Sneha Mali: