From Blogging To Entrepreneurship, Ram Goel Has Done It All

Ram Goel is a well trained and well experienced man in a lot of different fields. even though he has almost touched the highest levels while functioning in his industry, he is interested in creating videos, making songs and also blogging.

Right now Ram Goel is running three different things at a time:

  • A restaurant named wise choice that is running efficiently. It has managed to survive the entire pandemic, it had a few dents here and there but they managed off just fine. This is because Mr Goel has great entrepreneurship skills and knows the solution to every problem, almost every one of them.
  • An aluminium factory that has to meet some of its necessities on a daily basis. Factories are getting harder to run everyday because with a wide range of people available to take in for work, not everyone is going to deliver the exact same work as they promised. Since this is the unskilled side of Labour, also including a few skilled ones, decision making mostly done accurately. One slip here and there might cost a lot.
  • A hosiery shop: Many people claim that the retail industry is help because satisfying customers is always very difficult, one cannot be very sure that how every customer is going to react to what the shop owner and employees have to say. Therefore, a manager or a supervisor must be present on the floor at all times to clear out any query that an employee or a customer has besides maintaining a decorum.

Keeping an account of every happening, every transaction is important because data reading and calculation on the basis of this helps in reflecting on the industry. Ram Goel does that too very efficiently. But now, he has decided to make videos and songs besides blogging. this new found hobby has now turned into a source of enthusiasm for him. Blogging requires innovative qualities, the ability to look at the world from a different angle and upload content almost everyday. Once people start liking your block, they will certainly want more of it. Mr Goel is completely prepared for that. In fact, he is waiting for such an occurrence so that he can make best out of that situation. He is rather enthusiastic about the work that he does and never hesitates to put in extra effort if required. you can see that he works very hard but since all of this is pure work of passion, he never fails even one bit of stress. If you aspire to be somebody like him, you might as well begin today because mastering said skills are close to impossible.

Derek Robins: