Dark Sky’s API, iOS app, and web app will stop at the end of 2022

Another blog entry from the developers of Apple-owned, hyperlocal weather app Dark Sky has declared that the iOS and web versions of the application, just as the Dark Sky API, will sunset at the finish of 2022.

Here’s the exact wording from the blog post:

Support for the Dark Sky API service for existing customers will continue until the end of 2022. The iOS app and Dark Sky website will also be available until the end of 2022.

Dull Sky’s developers at first said the API would close down toward the finish of 2021, yet this new end-of-2022 target clearly moves things back a bit. This is the first time when they have heard about an end date for the iOS application, however.

When news first broke that Apple obtained Dark Sky early last year, a blog post from the Dark Sky group expressed that the iOS application would not perceive any changes “at this time.” It likewise warned that the Android version would be covered.

Apple proceeded to close down the Android version of the application last August. In the mean time, the iOS and web experiences (just as the API) proceeded.

Apple’s iOS 14 added some Dark Sky-like features last year, and surprisingly more are coming in iOS 15 not long from now. New Weather features planned iOS 15 include hour-by-hour precipitation notifications, an overhaul of the animated backgrounds, and various other design changes.

Prior to its securing by Apple for an undisclosed sum, Dark Sky was a broadly beloved third-party weather app for the two iOS and Android. It offered more granular and local data than the baked-in solutions on those two platforms.

Priyanka Patil: