
The live-action Miles Morales movie and the animated Spider-Woman movie “It’s All Happening” are teased by the “Spider-Man” producers

The producers of the trilogy have their sights set on the third installment, which will…

Tupac Shakur will receive a Sidewalk star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame will be given to the late rapper…

Roohan Gandomi: A Harmonic Tale of Triumph and Love in “Daryao Delesh”

Roohan Gandomi, is a highly talented music producer, composer, mix engineer, and guitar electronic player.…

Jenaya Lee: A Rising Star Illuminating the Modelling World

The world of fashion and modeling has always been a highly competitive industry, with countless…

Wanderer Boy of India: Abhimanyu Singh

Imagine embarking on a remarkable adventure that takes you through 51 countries in just 2.5…

Unlocking the Power of the Blues: Henry Turner Jr.’s Listening Room Museum Foundation’s Blues Camp II

The blues is a music genre that has significantly impacted American culture and music history.…

Meenu Khatri: The Rising Star in the World of Social Media and Entertainment

Meenu Khatri, a 25-year-old multi-talented individual, has taken the world of social media by storm.…

Meet the Visionary Music Producer Who Makes It Through as A Promising Musician

The music industry grew by nearly 20% in the last year alone. Despite the various…

From Dominating the Party scene to a 5k Charity Run, Rising star Aaron Sand is doing it all

Rising star Aaron Sand ran in the annual 9/11 5K charity run to raise money…

Montony gave information about rap to his audience and this time he talks about the rapper himself.

Who is the rapper? A person who sings rap is called a rapper or rapcon.…