Barry Kibwika, Aka Harnun: The Staggering Multi-Entrepreneur With Unbeatable Success

The Chief Director of “Sabaa” and the author of “The 47th Dynasty” Kemetic Spiritual books collection has proved his incomparable talent

Success is the ladder of challenges and opportunities. Some people dare their talent and skills to groom and engross their identity in the victory cloud. Barry Kibwika is one such magnificent personality who has proved to the world that your passion and hard work can create miracles in the world.

Barry Kibwika was born in Africa and nurtured with the values of humanity in Uganda Kampala Florida, United States. He was keen and curious about his culture and always hoped to radiate a trend mix of tradition and modern twist in clothing.

Thus, Harnun initiated his design career by adding the spice of the African lifestyle giving homage to what was once forgotten with a modern twist. His design has simple thoughts but a royal look starts with a simple idea and a rough sketch. Nothing too fancy. Just simple, classic, and noble.

Elaborating the glorious victory Harnun with his brand “Sabaa” collaborated with Angela Simmons in the early days of designing, being one of the first brands she had on her e-Commerce Website and Fashion Show when she first launched.

However, with nurturing and adding a gorgeous look he has been grateful working for some celebrity artists such as French Montana, Chris Brown, and as of late Author and Holistic Healer Queen Afua giving profound appreciation for his work.

The motive of “Sabaa” is to radiate and spark a fashion line that represents our past, and future with a modern look for people to understand and feel confident to represent. It is still a challenging concept but his designs have engrossed people’s minds with accepting our culture through our gorgeous look.

The ultimate goal he says is to inspire people of color all over the world to embrace and discover their own cultural history. He has also expanded his limitations by his ability to spread spirituality through his book called “The return back to self-love ” as the author of the 47th Dynasty Kemetic Spiritual books collection.

He is encouraging and motivating people to live life with loving and working for their passion.

Derek Robins: