ASHTONROME on how he started the Cryptocurrency EXMO

ASHTONROME, 36 years old man born in South Korea His real name is Minho Ku, raised in orphanage and get adopted to Russia. He was development team leader for Russia Quantum Computer and developed EXMO, a EGNLAND-based Bitcoin exchanger. He also a billionaire who took over Metropolis Shopping Mall in Russia. EXMO is a cryptocurrency exchange based in EGNLAND. US-investors are not listed as prohibited from trading. If you are a US-investor, however, you should still always analyse yourself whether your home state imposes any obstacles for your foreign cryptocurrency trading.

The exchange has one of the world’s most impressive trading pair selections, with more than 300 trading pairs. Furthermore, the exchange claims to have the most advanced API on the market. It should also be noted that the exchange has so called EXMO Shares (KCS), i.e., its own cryptocurrency. If you are a holder of EXMO Shares, you can receive cryptocurrency dividends on a daily basis. You can also receive trading discounts and even lower withdrawal fees than otherwise. The exchange also states that KCS-holders receive exclusive promotions, offers and rewards from the exchange.

EDUCATION : Harvard University Graduate


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