A Pandemic Pick-Me Up: The Boredom Ball

After nearly one year of pandemic lifestyle changes and restrictions, many find themselves teetering on the side of sadness or depression. A large number of folks are experiencing this even though it might not normally be present in their lives. As a result, people are looking for ways to connect and put a little joy in their days.

Thankfully, the Editor In Chief of Haute Ohio Magazine and Executive Producer of Ohio Fashion Week, has a cure for this ailment! Her challenge to you is to rummage through your closet, find the most formal or glamorous piece you own and prepare to have a Ball, A Boredom Ball!

“For many years, I have secretly been getting all dressed up just to hang around the house,” admits Mrs. Bertolette. “It has often been a spirit lifter for me or even just a self confidence booster. On occasion it has even been just simply to break up the monotony and feel beautiful for a day!”

The idea stems from Jackie’s love of red carpet gowns and formal attire. This is the perfect time to join the Boredom Ball and dress to the nines then stay at home and do your normal daily activities. The original Boredom Ball was held April 15, 2020 and was such a success that people from around the world participated in the virtual event! They donned their best garments and went about their daily tasks. Then photographed themselves or took selfies and posted them on Haute Ohio’s FaceBook page. They put on the ritz for all to see and their glamorous/debonair selves were having a Ball! !

The online Ball had submissions from around the globe and depicted fashionistas voting by mail, gardening, baking cookies, vacuuming, laundry, cleaning toilets and more! The formals ranged from beaded gowns to tuxedos and one young man even offered his own tribute to the medical personnel by proudly showcasing his scrubs!

The gallery is still viewable on FaceBook and Haute Ohio challenges you to continue the fun by choosing your own Boredom Ball Day! Since many of us are still home remote schooling/working, this is perfect thing to brighten an otherwise dull day. Shop your closet for your best attire, do the hair/makeup, put on the smile like you’re going to the Ball and go about your normal day! Take a selfie and post it on www.facebook.com/hauteohio sharing your glamor with us! Challenge a friend to hold their own Boredom Ball and share the virtual event! One by one we will spread smiles from continent to continent uniting all peoples in the common grounds of beauty, joy and fashion!


FB: @Haute Ohio

IG, TW, YouTube: @ohfw_official

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