10 Justifications for Upping Your Water Consumption During The Winter

Pouring fresh mineral water from a bottle into a glass, hydration and diet concept

It goes without saying that colder winter temperatures mean spending more time indoors, reducing physical activity, and increasing the likelihood of getting sick. However, you might be shocked to hear that drinking more water on a regular basis is an excellent approach to ward off the winter blues, rather than snuggling up and hibernating during the colder months. It might surprise you to learn that indoor heating systems throughout the winter might cause you to feel quite dehydrated. Relax, we are here to assist you. Consume This Instead of That! consulted with a specialist who offers ten reasons to increase your water intake throughout the winter, so fill up your glass now.

We understand that in the middle of desires for hot chocolate and comfortable nights by the fireside, grabbing for a water bottle could seem like the last thing you want to do. However, with the approaching cold months, being well hydrated will be even more important. For this reason, we spoke with registered dietitian Caroline Young, RD, owner of Whole Self Nutrition, who offers ten reasons to drink more water in the winter than you normally would.

Wintertime dehydration can cause a number of health problems, such as weakened immune systems and unhealthy skin. For Young’s list of ten reasons to drink extra water in the winter, continue reading. After you’re through, don’t forget to read 10 Fitness ‘Rules’ You Should Forgo in 2024 for the Best Outcomes.

  1. Your body loses more water in the winter.

Your body loses more moisture in the winter because of the dry air. This happens as a result of skin evaporation and respiration, thus increasing your water intake is essential to make up for the fluid loss.

“Bodily water loss can increase in the winter months since it’s typically warmer and drier inside our houses than outside, increasing our fluid needs,” says Young.

2. Drinking water helps balance electrolytes.

According to research, being properly hydrated is crucial for preserving electrolyte balance, especially in the winter. Although many people believe that dehydration only happens in the warmer months, electrolyte levels can also be upset by dehydration in the cold. Drinking enough water on a regular basis will help you maintain a proper electrolyte balance for the best possible nerve and muscle performance.

3. You urinate more in colder weather.

Winter is a common time of year to urinate more than other times. According to Young, “Being in cold environments can cause kidneys to excrete more urine than it typically does, making drinking water extra important to prevent dehydration.”

4. Your immune system is weaker in colder environments.

Winter comes the cold and flu season, even if it’s also a time to enjoy warm indoor activities and hit the slopes. The good news is that increasing fluid intake can enhance immune function by increasing immune cell synthesis and migration.

5. Colder temperatures dry out your skin.

Everybody has experienced how the chilly, dry air of winter dries out our skin, leaving it uncomfortable and unpleasant. Thankfully, increasing your water intake will help keep your skin hydrated.

“With colder temperatures often comes drier skin,” Young explains. “Drinking plenty of water can help hydrate skin from the inside and prevent dry skin, which comes with cracking, discomfort, itchiness, irritation, and more adverse side effects.

6. Drinking water helps you better regulate body temperature.

“Drinking enough water in the winter can help regulate your healthy body temperature because hydration is necessary for the body’s ability to prevent hypothermia,” says Young.
Your body’s ability to self-regulate its temperature, or thermoregulation, is enhanced when you stay hydrated, which makes it easier for you to adjust to cooler weather. Maintaining proper hydration throughout the chilly winter months will help your body stay naturally warmer.

7. Indoor heat dehydrates you more than outdoor air.

Even though the air outside could be chilly and dry, heating systems inside can make dehydration worse. Indoor spaces made dry by artificial heating lose more water through skin evaporation and respiration. In order to counteract the drying effects of indoor heating during the winter, one must drink extra water.

8. Staying hydrated helps prevent winter weight gain.

All of us have put on a few pounds over the slower winter months. Dehydration, however, frequently passes for hunger and causes overeating. Maintaining hydration can assist you in controlling your hunger, lessening cravings, and enhancing your body’s capacity to discriminate between thirst and hungry.

9. Your body requires more water to breathe in colder temperatures.

Your respiratory system has to work harder and you need to drink more water when it’s chilly outside. Keep in mind that the dry, cold air can be hard on your lungs and that drinking enough of water helps maintain the mucous membranes in your respiratory system.

10. Compared to warmer conditions, you are less aware of how much you perspire.

Although it does so less visibly than in warmer months, your body nonetheless perspires throughout the winter. Therefore, you might not be aware of how much you’re sweating or how much fluid you’re losing when you’re wrapped up outside.

“We need to be drinking more water than we think if we’re exercising in the cold weather because we’re likely sweating more than we realize—it’s just evaporating quicker,” Young says. “We need to be hydrating with fluids (and electrolytes if exercising intensely or for more than an hour) the same way we would in warmer months.”
